There is a common denominator when Leif Ove Andsnes brings music by Edvard Grieg, Geir Tveitt and Frédéric Chopin to the Alte Oper at the end of the season: For the pianist, all three composers signify personal roots, solidarity and belonging. Firstly, there are Grieg and Tveitt as representatives of the sound world of his Norwegian homeland - one of the most popular Romantic composers, the other still largely unknown outside Norway. Yet Tveitt's ‘Sonata Etere’ - the only piano sonata whose manuscript survived a fire in the composer's house in 1970 - is a work full of dynamism and energy that is well worth discovering. But Frédéric Chopin also represents a kind of home for the pianist: ‘Chopin was the composer,’ Andsnes recalls, ‘who made me feel as a child that this was exactly my language and my place - to be at the piano!’